Well MBA achievement not unlocked yet, but hopefully it will be by August 2009.

Friday, 26 September 2008

Shadow of the Colossus,

I was just browsing through some old screenshots and found these beautiful pictures from "Shadow of the Colossus" so I thought I would share them with you.

Now in this "PS3/XBOX360" day keep in mind that this is from a PS2!

If you plan to play only one game in your life, choose this one.
Trust me, there is no other alternative.
The game is beautiful, unique and truly one of a kind.
Actually it is not so much a game as a journey, an emotional event.

For me alas it is a game I can only play once, going back and replaying it would never come close to the original experience, but that 1 time for me was quite a powerful experience and sufficient in its own right.

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