Well MBA achievement not unlocked yet, but hopefully it will be by August 2009.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

First semester done.

6 weeks have gone by already.
First exams are over, now it is just to kick back and wait until the results tick in.
I delivered my Managerial Decision-Making term paper yesterday so now I have almost 2 full days of relaxation until term 2 starts Monday.
So Sunday is back to reading again.
But for now not one book shall be opened :O).
Besides there are rumors that a disco/70's party will be held to celebrate the survival of term 1, not bad!

Subjects done so far:
Managerial Decision-Making
Management Accounting
Organizational Behavior
Entrepreneurial Mindset (term paper)

The material read:

Friday, 3 October 2008

Friday already?

Looks like Friday is "Blogday" for me.
I can't believe 1 week has gone by already since I posted last time.

We have already finished our Organizational Behavior (OB) class at the school, a shame really, it is a very good subject, I really like it.
During the lessons we covered some ground I've had before, when I took my academy degree in leadership, but we also touched upon some new theories I have not had before.
All in all an excellent class and we could easily have benefited from 2-4 more lessons.
Of course that is my opinion :O) and I could be biased.

So what do you learn in OB that is so fantastic, well, you learn about people, or said in another way you learn to respect other people, to see their uniqueness, to tap into their strengths and to help them turn their failures into triumphs.
Without your team you don't have anything, without dedicated employees you might as well shut down your firm.

I see the skill set you acquire in OB as particular relevant to the games industry.
As I see it, the games industry is an "arranged" marriage between the extremely creative and the extremely technical. The main resource being creative and technically highly skilled and well educated people. To get the best of those talented people to join your team, you have to know how to treat them well, you have to know how to help them pursue and expand their skillset and for that OB is incredibly valid.

To me the modern games manager is not only about schedules and pipelines, he/she is also about coaching and developing an elite team of gamedevelopes.